27 MAY 2022 NEWS FROM PEFC website
Our 2021 Annual Review is out! Read about the key achievements of PEFC and our partners. Highlights of the year include two systems achieving PEFC endorsement, and the increased collaboration with different actors along the supply chain and beyond.
2021 was an exciting year for the PEFC Alliance, bringing innovations and new collaborations.
The number of certified hectares of forest and certified companies continued to grow, and two new systems achieved PEFC endorsement – one of them the very first regional system to be endorsed.
We continued to work together as a global team, collaborating and supporting each other. One priority of our work is to drive innovation to accelerate the uptake of forest certification.
Key activities in 2021 included the launch of a new database and search engine, and the facilitation of the transition to the 2020 standards.
We are increasingly working in partnerships and advancing regional collaboration between our members and potential future members. In 2021, we made major steps in Central Africa and Southeast Europe.
We intensified our collaboration with different actors from the forest-based supply chain, including market sectors such as construction, fashion, rubber, packaging, and furniture. By reaching out to our partners on the ground, we make them our ambassadors for sustainability and forest certification.
The Annual Review gives an insight into the work and some of the key achievements of PEFC and our partners in 2021 – have a look!